When EPA was founded in 1970, America was suffering from smog filled cities, polluted rivers, toxic waste dumps, and harmful pesticides like DDT. Since then, the EPA has put limits on air and water pollution that industries are allowed to emit, banned cancerous chemicals like PCB’s, enacted acid rain controls, taken the lead on limiting greenhouse gasses to reduce climate change, and continues to keep polluters in check. As a result, Americans have a cleaner and safer environment today than 50 years ago.

Even with everything the EPA has accomplished, there is still much to be done to ensure the long-term health of our communities and our environment:  

In early 2017, 500 Women Scientists asked members and allies to send postcards to the EPA voicing our support for their work and sharing stories about their impact. While the official campaign has ended, it’s never too late to share your support! Now more than ever, the EPA cannot move backwards. The EPA must remain a leader in the American environmental movement, and continue and build upon their critical work cleaning up the environment, ensuring environmental justice, and protecting human health.


Send a postcard to the EPA with your story!

1. On a postcard, write how the EPA has made a difference in your life and community.

These stories, together, can remind us and our leaders that it is OUR EPA — the EPA of the people, for the planet, that must continue to protect our environment for us and generations to come!

2. Share your story on social media.

Take a picture with your postcard and post it on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using the hashtag #OurEPA and tag us at @500womensci so we can amplify your message. Tell the world why you care about the EPA, and encourage others to do the same! Check below for ideas for suggested tweets to help spread your message.

3.  Join or host a post card party!

We’ve heard the best way to write postcards is at a party! Join or a host a postcard writing party at your local bar, coffee shop, community center, or with your friends in your living room. Part of 500 Women Scientists, or interested in joining? Reach out to your local pod to organize or join a gathering. If you are a teacher, host one in your classroom or with an after school group! Share ideas and stories about why you care about environmental protection. Share your photos on social media with the #OurEPA hashtag.

4.  And, of course, mail your postcard!

EPA’s regional offices work directly with states and communities to provide assistance and enforce environmental laws. Mail your postcard to your regional EPA office and let them know you support their work. Find which zone you live in using the map below and find the mailing address for your zone here.

Map of EPA zones. Note: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and eight Indian Nations are located in Zone 2.

Map of EPA zones. Note: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and eight Indian Nations are located in Zone 2.